Brodheckers Barn Quilt
"New Shining Star"
Barn Information
Quilt: New Shining Star
The Brodhecker family
Farm History:
We begin our roadtrip in Sussex County at the Brohecker Farm. For over 40 years and three generations the Brodhecker family has been a part of the agricultural community. Over the past several years they have been planning and implementing farm practices that go easy on the earth. The most visible are the solar panels installed on 2 of the barns which generate 100% of the electricity used by the farm. Their choice of the New Shining Star pattern was because this new building is their shining star of this agri-business establishment. Star patterns are probably the most common motif used on quilts. There are hundreds of star patterns to choose from. Some quilts are having just one large radiating star while in other quilts dozens of smaller stars are used.
Hay sculptures have been made and exhibited at the Sussex County Farm and Horse Show for many years.
They have also planted 14 acres of sun flowers which prove to be traffic stoppers along Route 15.
For directions to our location, enter your starting point in the form below and click the "Get Directions" button. A new window will open displaying a map with directions.
Get Directions To:
2 Branchville Lawson Rd,
Newton, NJ 07860