
Santini Barn Quilt "Bird’s Resting"

Barn Information

Quilt: Bird’s Resting

Robert and Sharon Santini

Barn History:

This barn owned by Robert and Sharon Santini has the Bird’s Resting quilt Block on it. Birds are used extensively in quilt designs being pieced or appliquéd at the discretion of the quilter.

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Mission Statement
The mission of the Barn Quilt Association of New Jersey is to provide a sustainable heritage tourism attraction/activity while preserving and celebrating the unique agriculture, history, and arts culture of our area through visual combinations of barns and quilt designs, to educate the public and showcase our Garden State.

Founding Sponsors

Founding Partnerships Include:

NJ Museum of Agriculture
Blue Ridge Lumber
Hope Area Chamber of Commerce
Moravian Grange #187
Stewartsville Grange #121