
Host a Quilt Block

How to Host a Quilt Block:

Getting onto the "BARN QUILT TRAIL" starts with a contact to the New Jersey Barn Quilt Association: info@njbarnquilts.com - Whether you have an old barn, wagon shed, farm stand or other agricultural building; we would like you to consider a barn quilt to add beauty and increase the tourism traffic to your area/business.

You can get your own quilt block by completing a simple application, (available below). We will help you to find just the right block to tell your story. A list of quilt blocks already claimed has been compiled and is attached to the guidelines, available by clicking on the link below.

We are trying hard not to duplicate any patterns, so that you can have fun finding the various blocks and not see the same block twice. We are working to produce a brochure, with descriptions of the quilt blocks and directions to the various farms. Stay tuned for updates on these!

Some of the rules for hosting a quilt block:


Mission Statement
The mission of the Barn Quilt Association of New Jersey is to provide a sustainable heritage tourism attraction/activity while preserving and celebrating the unique agriculture, history, and arts culture of our area through visual combinations of barns and quilt designs, to educate the public and showcase our Garden State.

Founding Sponsors

Founding Partnerships Include:

NJ Museum of Agriculture
Blue Ridge Lumber
Hope Area Chamber of Commerce
Moravian Grange #187
Stewartsville Grange #121